Thomas Postgate (middle name unknown), was born in England circa 1710. It is thus far unknown what date he came to America, but records dated September 6, 1729 indicate that he was already in the American Colonies by this date.[1] In the Colonies with Thomas was his wife Mary Postgate.[2]
Thomas is likely the first Postgate on the North American Continent, making him the colonial patriarch of all Posegates.
Thomas was not likely to have been a Quaker. He was in the Virginia Militia, (The pacifist Quakers would have disowned him for this, and held offices in Virginia that would have been forbidden to someone that did not at least pretend to be an Anglican. In both areas he was surrounded by Quakers and his descendants may have converted or he may have been a Quaker disowned for his military activities.
Capt. Thomas Postgate was a Deputy Sheriff of Orange County, VA and a Justice of Frederick County, VA, and captain of a Foot Company of Virginia Militia. He lived on land that was part of the Jost Heit land east of Thomas Lord Fairfax estate at Greenway Court Manor.
1729 Sept 6, 1729 Thomas Postgate is listed as executor of Jonathan Pearson’s will in Burlington Township, New Jersey.
1733 July 19-26, 1733 Thomas Postgate in Salem County New Jersey in the Township of Maninton
1735 Thomas Postgate signs as a witness on the sale of land to Francis Pincher of Orange County (Frederick County was made from this part of Orange County)
1738 A list of Deliquents (tax related?) Is published by Thomas Postgate, Deputy Sherrif. April 27 Orange County VA Court approves petition of (Jost) Heit to keep ordinary. He entered into Bond his security with Thomas Postgate.
1741 November 27 The Orange County VA Court orders a Wagon road built Through Thomas Postgates Gap otherwise known as Collomees Gap.
1742 February 25 The Orange County VA Court Orders inhabitants to work on road through Postgates Gap below the Mouth of Manasses Run.
1744 March 10 Thomas Postgate signs as a witness on a document that lays out the tract of land that becomes Winchester VA.
July Fredreck County Court orders Male tithables belonging to Thomas Lord Fairfaxe’s Greeway Court manor to work on a road from Gregorys Ford to the top of the Ridge. The list includes Thomas Postgate.
1758 July 24 Thomas Postgate listed in alphabetical poll of taxpayers.
Documents Relating to the Colonial History of New Jersey Vol XI, Page 319
RUN away the 12th of this Instant June, from Thomas Postgate, of Salem County, in the Township of Maninton, a Servant Boy named William Wood, aged about 18 Years, had on when he went away an old Grey Homespun Coat, an old pair of Leather Breeches, and Ozenbrigs or Tow Shirt, a pair of old Shoes and Stockings, an old Felt Hat, short hair, has lost some of his fore Teeth and Stammers much in his Speech, when he speaks hastily, has a large Mole in one of his Eye brows. Whoever secures the said Servant so that his Master may have him again, shall be generously Rewarded by Thomas Postgate. –The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 19-26, 1733.
In “Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. I. 1670-1730; Unknown Counties, NJ,” we find the following:
1729 Sept. 6. Pearson, Jonathan, of Burlington, labourer; will of. Gives personal estate to brothers Joseph and James Pearson, Thomas Postgate, Rebecca, daughter of brother James, and sister Mary Postgate, making brother James and Thomas Postgate executors. Witnesses–Titan Leeds, Mary Leeds, James Thomson. Proved August 2, 1730.